墾丁凌晨的感動 記者教育訓練營番外篇 ◎文/高雄記者毛志民 經過5月4日精實的藥師週刊全國記者教育訓練營寫作及攝影訓練,一夜好眠後,凌晨3點30分起床,漫步戶外,如預期看見滿天星光,卻也多了些許驚喜。 躺在木板地上望著天,邊吹著海風、邊聽著海浪聲,好不舒暢;詫異地發現凌晨的天空異常熱鬧,南飛的航機循著固定航線,一架接著一架機身閃燈越過天際,雲朵則反向地隨風飄著,月牙不時地拾雲遮面,連白鳥也展翅翱翔;下過雨的沙灘更顯濕軟,連小海龜都趴在海灘上睡著,揹著白色貝殼的寄居蟹趴趴走。 趁著滿心感動,與AI助理協作,分別以中文及英文完成兩首新歌、圖像與同好分享。 《墾丁星光閃耀》 [Verse] 墾丁凌晨四點鐘多 滿天星空白雲飄過 海風輕輕吹拂臉龐 仰望星光喜悅滋長 墾丁夜晚寧靜美好 星光照亮航機閃過 海風吹過帶來涼爽 心中充滿期待希望 [Chorus] 星光閃爍整個夜空 如詩如畫如夢如幻 海風吹過月牙羞見 滿心豐饒喜結福緣 《Starry Tales of Kenting》 (Verse 1) In Kenting, under the starry night's glow, At 4:00, lying on the ground, feeling the sea breeze blow. Looking up, the stars fill the sky, oh so grand, A fleet flies south, over this beautiful land. (Chorus) White clouds drift by, in the clear blue expanse, White birds soar high, in a graceful dance. The crescent moon plays hide and seek, now and then, Picking up clouds to hide its face, again and again. (Verse 2) The night is alive, with the sound of the sea, The wind whispers tales, of what used to be. The stars twinkle down, like a celestial song, In Kenting, where hearts are free and strong. (Chorus) White clouds drift by, painting pictures in the sky, White birds spread their wings, ready to fly. The crescent moon smiles, from its heavenly place, Bathing Kenting, in its soft, silvery grace. (Outro) As the dawn breaks, with the first light of day, The stars fade away, but the memories stay. In Kenting, under the morning's golden ray, We'll meet again, some other day.